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Transgender Community in Assam Advocates for Rights and Inclusion

The transgender community in Assam, comprising 414 registered voters, is calling upon political parties to address pressing issues such as equal employment opportunities, legal safeguards against bullying, and improved healthcare. Milin Dutta, founder of the non-profit ‘Anaajoree’, highlights the stigma preventing many transgender individuals from exercising their franchise and emphasizes the need for prioritizing education, healthcare, and employment. Dr. Sammy from Tezpur University stresses the urgency of legal protections and affirmative healthcare. Challenges including discrimination by medical professionals and unaffordable transition-related healthcare costs are highlighted, urging for government-funded support services. Advocates also emphasize the importance of mental health services, legal recognition of queer-chosen families, and awareness programs in educational institutions. Political parties, including the Congress, are urged to commit to passing anti-discrimination legislation and recognizing civil unions within the LGBTQIA+ community. The overarching goal is to ensure the inclusion and empowerment of the transgender community in Assam.

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