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Unrecognized Schools Cast Shadow on Education: Students in Assam Deprived of Exams Amidst Lack of Recognition

The proliferation of private schools and colleges in Assam has taken a troubling turn, shedding light on a disconcerting trend of institutes operating without official recognition. The focus recently shifted to Biswanath Vidya Niketan School in Biswanath, where four students have been unable to appear for their High School Leaving Certificate Examination for two consecutive years due to the school’s lack of recognition.

The revelation has sparked public outrage, prompting questions about the institute’s negligence and its repercussions on students’ futures. The owner and headmaster of Biswanath Vidya Niketan, Utpal Phukan, faced scrutiny from the media but failed to provide a satisfactory explanation for the lack of recognition and the resulting deprivation of examination opportunities for the affected students.

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