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AIUDF Welcomes Supreme Court Stay on Madrassa Act Judgment

The All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) has expressed satisfaction following the Supreme Court’s decision to stay the Allahabad High Court’s ruling that struck down the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madrassa Education Act, 2004. The Act was deemed ‘unconstitutional’ and against the principle of secularism by the High Court. AIUDF President and Dhubri MP, Badruddin Ajmal, highlighted that the Supreme Court clarified the Act’s provisions and emphasized its regulatory nature without providing religious instructions. Ajmal stated that this decision has provided relief to the 25,000 madrassas and 17 lakh students in Uttar Pradesh. He criticized the BJP-led NDA’s actions in Uttar Pradesh, labeling them unconstitutional. Furthermore, Ajmal announced AIUDF’s intention to challenge the Assam government’s stance against the madrassa system in the Supreme Court, drawing inspiration from the recent ruling.

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