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Newborn Abandoned in Dumpster Shocks Guwahati, Investigation Underway; Previous Incident Reveals Hospital Negligence

A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Guwahati’s Kumarpara region as locals discovered a newborn baby abandoned inside a dumpster, raising suspicions of parental cruelty. The Bharalumukh police were alerted after witnesses noticed a dog pulling the baby from the garbage dump. The shocking event has left the community traumatized and angered, prompting a thorough investigation into the matter.

In a separate but equally distressing incident from last year, a newborn declared dead by doctors at a private hospital in Silchar was found alive just before cremation. The child’s father, Ratan Das, revealed that the hospital staff kept the infant in a packet for over eight hours without properly confirming if the child was still alive. The revelation sparked protests by residents in Silchar’s Malinibil neighborhood, highlighting concerns about hospital negligence. The investigation into both incidents is ongoing, with updates awaited.

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