An ambulance traveling from Jorhat to AMCH, Dibrugarh, collided with a dumper near Thowra Tea…
The Assam Public Service Commission has released the 2022 CCE results
The Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) results for 2022 were released by the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC), who recommended a record 913 applicants for recruitment to the ACS/APS and related posts. Rasika Islam of Gauripur holds the top spot in the ACS cadre, while Rohit Choudhury of Hojai holds the top spot in the APS cadre.
Of the 913 applicants, 86 were recommended for the Assam Urban Administrative Service, 65 for the Assam Finance Service (AFP), 20 for the Assam Finance Service (AFS), 77 for the Assistant Audit Officer (Assam Audit Service), and 415 for the Assistant Accounts Officer.